Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Sarah's Pregnancy Diary - Part Eight

Sarah’s Pregnancy Diary – Part Eight

We’re back in California now, in our temporary condo and already I can’t wait to get into our new home! It’s coming along nicely and will be ready in a few months. In the meantime, this place isn’t so bad really, it’s just not ours!

It was really hard when they tore down the house and started blasting the rock away for the new house. Harder on me than Adam, which seems strange but he is much more relaxed about it all than I am, practical really. To him it was just a house that wasn’t big enough – to me it was the place I found myself. Yes, I was already in love with Adam when I got here, head-over-heels in love in fact. But that first trip here brought a whole new dimension to our relationship and helped me to define what I wanted in my life. I fell in love with the house, with the boys and with how life could be in that house.

Adam tells me that we will build a new life together in the house that is being built now, that this is a home we are creating together. I do appreciate that, but it doesn’t lessen my loss for the other home. This one will be similar in many ways, but it won’t be the same! Maybe the pregnancy hormones are just rampaging through me, I don’t know.

I am feeling much better actually, which is a blessing. The morning sickness is mostly gone which is a blessing. I even ate some spicy Mexican food for dinner the other night and it didn’t bother me at all! It was awesome; you know how it is when you’re pregnant, you just never know what will bother you. With Lissa I craved hot sauce. I would buy huge jars of the extra hot kind and eat it with a spoon! Randy used to freak out when I did that, afraid I would get sick but it never bothered me a bit!

These days I’m afraid I’m craving anything with peanut butter. Adam is tolerating it well; in fact he is being incredibly sweet about it all. He makes sure there are always big jars of peanut butter in the pantry and I often find there are peanut butter treats hidden away for me to find unexpectedly! And just the other day, you’ll never guess what I found!

I had taken a nice long bubble bath in what I have to say is definitely a sub-par bath tub when I smelled the most incredible thing! I got dressed and headed to the kitchen, letting my nose lead the way and there was Adam, baking me peanut butter cookies! They boys were helping and all three of them wore huge, ridiculous grins on their faces.

Geoff brought me a still warm cookie, offering it to me with a kiss, the very best part. I sat down at the table and Tristan got out glasses and the milk and the three of us sat at the table and took bites of the delicious cookies. I caught Adam snapping pictures of us, no doubt for the album he is working on for our family. He was grinning like the village idiot I must say, something hard for him to accomplish because he is just too damn handsome.

“How are the cookies love?” he asked, snapping another picture as I was licking sugar off of my lips.

“Yeah Sarah,” Geoff chimed in. “Do you like them? Me and Tristan helped daddy make ‘em for you!”

“They are perfect!” I declared. “The very best oatmeal cookies ever!”

“Oatmeal?” both boys asked, a shocked look on their adorable faces. “Sarah, they are peanut butter!”

“OH! Well, in that case they are the very, absolute BEST cookies ever! Mm, really, really good!” For emphasis I took another bite and smiled. “You guys make really good cookies. Thank you so much!”

I was attacked then by two little cookie monsters, gladly receiving hugs from then. I heard the whir of the camera in the background as Adam snapped another picture. I looked up at him and smiled, not at all ashamed of the crumbs that decorated my chin and the front of my blouse. They picture he snapped then of my smile said it all!


Anonymous said...

Aww, so sweet! Sarah is going to be such a great mom (again).

Hope said...

Hey Lynette!

Thanks for stopping in to read. Things are maybe slowing down a bit around here, although I've already had 54 students in my office today so this week is going to be a little crazy. Should begin to slow down soon I hope!

Thanks so much to everyone who has been so patient this past month or so. When work steps up each year like this I just don't have the time to turn around, more less post anything. Hopefully this week will get things back on schedule with Sometimes posting tomorrow and Wishing on Stars on Friday. I haven't gotten Beth's Diary up yet today, but if not today then it will go up tomorrow.

Again, thanks to all of you who have waited patiently, I really appreciate it. You all mean the world to me!
