Tuesday, July 06, 2010

A Baby Shower!!!

I had this great idea when I was editing the Pregnancy Diaries that we should all have a baby shower for Sarah and Adam . I know it sounds a little strange but hey, everything is a little strange these days, aren't they? We would pick a day and than everyone would stop by and say what they "got" Sarah and Adam for their new bundle of joy! Taking it one step further, if anyone was so inclined, they could then donate that item to a charity in their city.

It is just my idea - let me know what you think and if you are interested in participating in the first ever Online Baby Shower!



Anonymous said...

I will participate. Just let me know when...

Anonymous said...
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Kaboodall said...

HOPE???????!!!!!!!!! ENGBUNNY??????!!!!!! Is it really you??? OMG!!!! I thought Hope's diaries were long over but I still had it bookmarked and I just happened to click. I CANNOT believe I've missed TWO years of Sarah and Adam.....OMG!! I must have been under a rock and no one told me!! LOL I'm sooooo glad you all are writing again........HOWEVER.....you knew this was coming right....there is always a "but"......I just can't read anything.....I click on the "old posts" and I get a blank page.......I'm soooo bummed out. Do you know what the problem could be?? Love seeing you guys back in action and I hope some day I can actually read the posts and get caught up! :)

Engbunny said...

Hey Kaboodall! It really is us! How are you?!?!? Long time, no see! What's new and exciting?

I know..the view thing has been a total pain the butt. Hope has talked to Blogger but it seems to be an issue that they cannot fix. However, the good news is this - fi you keep trying, it does eventually come up. So please, keep trying. You only need to go back to approx. February of this year, as this is when things started back up.

Now that you are here, you can check out some of the other blogs too, like Wishing on Stars, Sometimes, etc. They are wonderful too!

Don't be a stranger! Thanks for coming back!

Hope said...

Hi Kaboodall! Welcome home! Glad you stopped in. Several of the 'originals' found us through old bookmarks! Glad to have you back with us.

The page thing drives us crazy, but as Engbunny said, it does usually pop back up.

I think the shower thing will be a lot of fun! I can't wait to get some information going about it. We'll be discussing it more in the next couple of months!

As I said, great to see you back!

Anonymous said...

Hi there!!!

Awesome story, love the writing, so good =)

When is the next post gonna be up?


Hope said...

Hi there anonymous!

WMHD posts every other Monday. The next post will be the 19th! Hope to see you there!!! Thanks for reading.