Monday, November 15, 2010

Sarah's Pregnancy Diary - Part Twelve

Sarah’s Pregnancy Diary – Part Twelve

As I sat reading the newspaper (on line) I realized for the first time in a long while that I’m sort of bored. We’re staying put, a definite change for us, and there is only so much cleaning and surfing the net you can do. You can throw in lounging around the pool and having my way with my husband too, but still, there’s a LOT of free time.

The question was, what do I do with it? What do I want to do with it? I haven’t really considered getting a job, not only for the obvious reason of being Adam’s wife and not needing the income but really, for more of a selfish reason.

When Derek and Lissa were small I didn’t have the option to stay home with them; we needed my income and so I worked. Those evenings and weekends with them were so precious, more than precious really and I embraced them with a jealous fervor. There was never enough of those hours and when Monday morning rolled around I never surrendered gracefully.

Things were different now – we didn’t need the income and then there is also the travel question; Adam has to travel from time to time and I want to be able to go with him. If I have a regular job, you can’t always get time off, nor can you be gone for months at a time. .

But I need something to do, something productive so that I can contribute to our life. Don’t get me wrong, being Adam’s wife is a dream come true, but I need this for me. Adam says he understands and will back me no matter what I decide.

So, here are the facts:

1. I want to stay home with the baby

2. I need something to help me feel that I’m contributing

3. I need something that will allow me to set my own kind of hours because I do remember that taking care of that child is a 24/7 job. We are NOT going to have a nanny, by the way.

In my past job I was a talent search manager for a company that found high-profile executives for business – in other words a head hunter. It was all about developing sources, doing your research and getting your man, or woman.

So as I searched the web, an idea occurred to me. And let me preface that to say that Adam is feeling the need to stick around home more now; he really doesn’t want to be out in Timbuktu making movies any longer. I understand that because, as I’ve said, I want to stay home and enjoy this child too. I feel as if I’ve been given this wonderful gift, Adam and this child and so it’s important that I not waste it.

Here’s what I want to do; I would like for Adam and I to start a production company. I think it is a doable idea. He has knowledge of the movie part of the business, I know how to beat the bushes, so to speak and we could work from home and when we wanted. Right now I’m trying to get my ducks in a row so that I can take the idea to Adam. I don’t really know how he will respond so keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Sarah's Pregnancy Diary - Part Eleven

Sarah’s Pregnancy Diary – Part Eleven

Hi Everyone! Sorry for the long absence, but life has been incredibly busy. Let’s see, what first? I’ll get the sad over first – Derek is now in Afghanistan, his unit shipped out almost a month ago. Adam and I flew to El Paso and Lissa, Mom and Dad came too. We took the boys with us as well after much debate.

They seem too young to understand the implications of this war, but they certainly understand that Derek is going away for a year. They both idolize him and it didn’t seem fair to not let them come to say goodbye to him. Geoff and Tristan both hugged him tightly at Ft. Bliss as he got ready to board the jet and both cried as we watched the plane lift. Actually, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house and it took everything that I had in me not to fall totally apart. But Pam needed our strength right then and so we all did the best we could. She went back to Wichita with Mom and Dad and will stay until they all come to Laguna Beach for Thanksgiving; after that she will stay with us until after the New Year. We don’t want her to be alone during the holidays and it will be so great to be a part of Danny’s first Christmas. We will take lots of video and hopefully get some time with Derek on the computer, so that he can see what is going on.

As I watched my son climb aboard that jet to fly half-way around the world to serve his country I was over-whelmed with pride, even though the pain of him leaving. He stood tall and strong, ready to do his job and that makes him a hero in my eyes and heart. Whether this war is the right thing or not, well I don’t know, but these fine young women and men who go off to fight it deserve to be heralded as the amazing individuals that they are. Think about them and pray for them as they are away from their loved ones and friends, for me.

Here in Laguna Beach work is progressing on our house; amazingly fast in fact. It should only be about a month before we can move in and I grow more excited each time we drive out to see it. From the outside on the top side it doesn’t look all that different, just larger. It still blends into the landscape incredibly well; the shape of it sort of embracing the cliffs. Into the house itself it is so different. Still three levels, but with so much more room. Adam was right about one thing, blasting away part of the cliff to make more room really allowed the new house to blend into the land really well. I’m sure somewhere the environmentalists think it is terrible and I guess I should feel terrible about the 30 feet of rock face that was removed but I don’t. We now have 5 regular bedrooms and two ‘convertible’ rooms if with need them; the den and the office.

Finally Adam feels like we have enough room and it is a joy to see him as he worries about how he wants his kitchen done and things. The pool will now be enclosed in an iron fence that the kids will not be able to get into without our help and I love that. The hot tub had to go from being outside to our bedroom on the balcony, which is okay. It’s a bit smaller now, but that’s okay because I still have the swimming pool bathtub! We have poured through decorating magazines and have toured several design centers with Tamara and finally decided on the furniture and stuff. It is a relief to be done with that!

And speaking of Tamara, she is doing well. She and Mark are having a daughter and they are both thrilled. They boys are even excited about having a sister, which is a good thing. Tam is feeling really well and has about 7 weeks to go before delivery. She is so lithe and athletic, a runner actually so hopefully she will have an easy delivery. She has gotten me involved with Yoga to help me stretch and strengthen my definitely underused muscles before delivery. LOL, can you imagine me doing Yoga? Well, it’s happening – Downward Dog, here I am!

As I sat here writing this I heard Adam come in to room before I felt a soft kiss on my neck. And I smelled something wonderful…

“Hi bella. About done?” he asked.

“Yep. What do you have?”

“A new experiment! Peanut butter brownies with fudge frosting, just for you!”

I groaned, this man so knew my weaknesses. I’d put on twenty one pounds so far and that number would grow a lot more I knew. Still, um, they smelled wonderful! I felt the baby nestled inside my ever-growing belly agreeing with me by doing summersaults and flips. I laughed and picked up Adams hand and laid it on my stomach so he could feel his excited child assaulting me.

“Um, I think we have another peanut butter fan here, don’t you?” I asked, taking a bit of the treat. It was heavenly and I washed it down with some icy cold milk and a sigh – it just doesn’t get much better than this!

His eyes twinkled as he smiled in agreement. “Guess so love. Two girls who love peanut butter. Whatever shall I do?”

Monday, November 01, 2010

Hope is down with the flu

Hope is down with a case of the flu so she won't be able to post today. I am thinking she should up and around in the next day or so but don't quote me on that. When I talked to her this morning, she did NOT sound good at all. I'll keep ya'll apprised of what is what!
